You know that voice in the back of your head that tells you that you aren’t worthy of the promotion, the sale or the win? That voice that tells you everyone is looking at you and judging you and you won’t measure up? The voice that says that ‘people like you’ don’t achieve that level of success?

Yeah……most of us have heard that voice and unfortunately…..many of us believe it! It is there based on all the experiences and people that we have surrounded ourselves with and….too often we don’t realize that it doesn’t need to be that way.

That inner voice can stop us every time from achieving what we really want - if we let it. 

That voice is what I help my coaching clients find and retrain! Yes….you can change that voice – that voice has so much power over you. Thoughts are things…they are energy and they are the core behind your ultimate actions and results.

Want different results? Don’t just change your actions…..change your thoughts! This isn’t a new concept, it has been known for centuries – most of us just haven’t really realized it and taken control. There are thousands of quotes – here is one I will share:

"Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality." -- Earl Nightingale

I have been studying and applying this for over 10 years with myself and my clients. Right now I am reading ‘What to say when you talk to yourself’ by Shad Helmstetter and it is really resonating with me.  I will share more insights in the months to come but one of the most powerful insights is that when we take control of our own programming and realize that our beliefs are a result of our programming, we can achieve the confidence we need to begin to take the actions that move us into the life that we want!

Think of your mind as a computer – a computer without programming is worthless… is just a box. But…with the right programming, you can achieve whatever you desire. Self-talk changes the programming, it is the programming. Changing the programming creates the Beliefs, which develops the Attitude, and then creates the Feeling which ultimately controls the Behavior – and ultimately our Results!

Simple right? Well, understanding how it happens may be simple, but just like most things, it takes focus, dedication, time, desire and intentional repetitive action to make it work for you. But….aren’t you worth it? Are you willing to stop saying ‘some people are just lucky or born that way’ and take responsibility and control? This isn't just "sit on the couch and dream it and it will be"......there is real work that has to be done.

I love using this approach with my clients because I know that when they really take the time to put this into action, they see amazing results. The very first step is to get clarity around what you want, what does success look like and feel like for you. Then doing the work to get clear on the thoughts, feelings and actions required to become that person. The goal is not to get the results….the goal is to become the person who can achieve those results!!

What are you thinking? 

What is the programming that you are living with – is it serving you or holding you back? More to come, hope this is some good food for ‘thought’ for you!

You know that voice in the back of your head that tells you that you aren’t worthy of the promotion, the sale or the win? That voice that tells you everyone is looking at you and judging you and you won’t measure up? The voice that says that ‘people like you’ don’t achieve that level of success?

Yeah……most of us have heard that voice and unfortunately…..many of us believe it! It is there based on all the experiences and people that we have surrounded ourselves with and….too often we don’t realize that it doesn’t need to be that way.

That inner voice can stop us every time from achieving what we really want - if we let it. That voice is what I help my coaching clients find and retrain! Yes….you can change that voice – that voice has so much power over you. Thoughts are things…they are energy and they are the core behind your ultimate actions and results.

Want different results? Don’t just change your actions…..change your thoughts! This isn’t a new concept, it has been known for centuries – most of us just haven’t really realized it and taken control. There are thousands of quotes – here is one I will share:

"Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality." -- Earl Nightingale

I have been studying and applying this for over 10 years with myself and my clients. Right now I am reading ‘What to say when you talk to yourself’ by Shad Helmstetter and it is really resonating with me.  I will share more insights in the months to come but one of the most powerful insights is that when we take control of our own programming and realize that our beliefs are a result of our programming, we can achieve the confidence we need to begin to take the actions that move us into the life that we want!

Think of your mind as a computer – a computer without programming is worthless… is just a box. But…with the right programming, you can achieve whatever you desire. Self-talk changes the programming, it is the programming. Changing the programming creates the Beliefs, which develops the Attitude, and then creates the Feeling which ultimately controls the Behavior – and ultimately our Results!

Simple right? Well, understanding how it happens may be simple, but just like most things, it takes focus, dedication, time, desire and intentional repetitive action to make it work for you. But….aren’t you worth it? Are you willing to stop saying ‘some people are just lucky or born that way’ and take responsibility and control? This isn't just "sit on the couch and dream it and it will be"......there is real work that has to be done.

I love using this approach with my clients because I know that when they really take the time to put this into action, they see amazing results. The very first step is to get clarity around what you want, what does success look like and feel like for you. Then doing the work to get clear on the thoughts, feelings and actions required to become that person. The goal is not to get the results….the goal is to become the person who can achieve those results!!

What are you thinking? What is the programming that you are living with – is it serving you or holding you back? More to come, hope this is some good food for ‘thought’ for you!

If you are interested in learning more, email me at [email protected] or set up your own free consultation HERE